
>> Thursday, May 27, 2010

It looks like I'm unflagged, so that's good. I wonder what made them think I was spamming in the first place, with one post and no comments? Weird.

I've been rereading all the stuff I've published since I first started writing online in January 2009. Unfortunately, most of the fiction is no longer available because the people who run the sites that published my work don't have enough space to archive everything for months.

The good news is that Associated Content seems to have realized that I want to start writing articles that match my interests a little better. I've managed to claim a couple content requests that should be fun. Whether or not I end up keeping my separate nonfiction pseudonym, I'll put up links here when they're published. No, really.

Someone also sent me an e-mail after my first entry saying they'd seen my blog and wanted to invite me to, which is a fashion community in closed beta testing. I'm not sure if I'm the best person to talk to about fashion (I'm a fiction writer, seriously), but it looks like it could be interesting. I made an account but haven't done much yet.

So, my writing career is going really well for someone who has no hope of earning actual money. I wonder if getting a short story published counts for anything to the hiring manager of the gas station down the street?