Keeping e-busy
>> Tuesday, June 8, 2010
I've updated this page with a new layout, header, and a widget for my Twitter account that you'll see just over to the right. Since I'm planning on tweeting new articles whenever they're published, you'll be able to see them over there instead of having to dig through my posts for links.
I also pointed my domain,, to this page. Now you'll be able to access it through that or, whichever you prefer.
I've been slacking off the past few days, not getting much writing done. I'm working myself into a minor panic waiting for Associated Content to review two articles I submitted for upfront payment. I'm considering applying to Demand Studios - has anyone ever heard about them?
I'm probably off to get this week's Examiner articles up. It seems like I get more views when I publish one of those per day instead of slapping five together in a 24-hour period, probably because of the way they promote the articles.
I'm already starting to wish it wasn't all about the page views, but it's not so bad as long as I'm writing something people want to read. I haven't done a lot of promoting and at least a few people think my content is interesting anyway. It should turn out well once I can make myself sit down and work more often.
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